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Our Fruit

Brokaw Ranch Company farms in both Santa Paula, Coastal Southern California and in Soledad, on Californias’ Central Coast. Unlike the inland San Juaquin Valley, both Santa Paula & Soledad are close to the ocean and enjoy its tempering effect on temperature extremes; we rarely experience extreme heat or cold. And, that being the case, both regions are ideal for subtropical tree fruit production.

Typically, subtropical tree fruits are non-deciduous, meaning that they don’t lose their leaves in the winter like stone-fruit, apples & grapes. Avocados, citrus and more exotic fruit-trees such as mangos, lychees & cherimoyas, are in this category. Successful production of avocados and many of our more exotic fruit trees is confined to Californias’ Central & South Coasts; they won’t statistically produce fruit or survive inland temperature extremes. Interestingly citrus, which is hardier, can produce successfully in the San Juaquin Valley.